Sunday, May 17, 2020
Questions On The World Trade Center Terror Attacks
Conspiracy Theory Inquiry Proposal Name: Kyle Dahya Form: 12DB Conspiracy Event: 9/11 US World Trade Centre Terror Attacks Possible focusing questions which will guide my inquiry are: 1. What is the official story that surrounds the events on the day of the 9/11 attacks? 2. What are some of the main conspiracy theories that revolve around 9/11? 3. Which of the accounts seem to the most plausible and why is that account more plausible than the other? 4. What significance does the events surrounding 9/11, and the connected conspiracy theories have on the wider world, including New Zealanders and why do they have significance? POSSIBLE SOURCES OF INFORMATION TYPE OF INFORMATION EXPECTED Website: Official History Channel Website: 9/11 Attacks. (n.d.). Retrieved February 11, 2015, from From this source, I would expect a detailed overview of the events that took place on 9/11, from the first plane crashing into the north tower to the pentagon crash, with every detail being presented in 20-30 minute increments. The contents of this website would most likely be relevant to question 1, quite possibly questions 3 and 4 as it explains in detail the events that took place that day and the aftermath of the event with little to no bias. This is a source that I would find as useful and reliable. Online News Article: Journalists opinion of 9/11 conspiracy: Six really stupid 9/11 conspiracies debunkedShow MoreRelatedThe Islamic State Of Iraq And Syria1388 Words  | 6 Pages(Beauchamp 1). This terror group is named the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria., or in short, ISIS. Three years ago, ISIS did not exist but now it controls parts of Iraq and Syria and has made its own state. 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